Our family had different dogs many of years. Standart schnauzer, labrador retriever, poodle...


But  at 2010 with  our Harley (Gloris Harley Devidson) - giant schnauzer pepper and salt - my life of the Breeder started: training,  shows, the first puppies...


At 2011 I bought my first miniature schnauzer pepper and salt - Fil Van Tip-Top Alfa Romeo. He has excellent harsh coat and  super bloods from Spain, Poland and Russia.


In 2016 I got the registration of the name of my kennel "HARLEY-HOME" (№18607 from 27/04/2016, FCI-RKF).


For this moment we have 4 litters with my dogs (1 in Germany, 1 in Finland, 2 in Russia: 1 of giant schnauzer ps and 1 of miniature schnauzer ps) and 1 litter of the daughter of my giant schnauzer in Germany.

The show-results of the children of my giant schnauzer: 1 Junior World Winner 2016, 1 Vice Junior World Winner 2016, 1 German Champion, 1 Bundesdieger, 2 Klubsieger, 1 Junior ISPU Champion, 1 Junior Champion of Gemany, Luxemburg, Belgium, 1 Dannish winner, 1 Nordic Winner, 1 Jaresjugendsieger 2015, many JCAC, CAC, CACIB and best Junior, BISJ-3, BIS-5 etc..


Now I continue to work with different kennel of giant and miniature schnauzer pepper & salt, and black & silver  miniature schnauzer from different countries (Germany, Finland, Russia) to make the beautiful and healthy puppies.


The parents (giant schnauzer) of the puppies are always checking by their health (Hips, Elbow, DCM, eyes)



Harley & Alf, 14.05.2017
Harley & Alf, 14.05.2017

KENNEL "HARLEY-HOME", reg. № 18607, from 26/04/2016, FCI-RKF


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